Spring Baseball and the Cincinnati Reds

I know, I know I've been neglecting my job as the manly man of Virgil's Fine Soaps and I am sorry for that. But being manly takes a lot of time, it really does. I wonder how the heck did Steve McQueen pull it off so well? But I digress.

Since the last time we've talked a season has changed and that means at the airport skis have changed to golf clubs and my back still isn't happy. Basketballs have changed to baseballs and my fiancé Melissa is also still not happy. Maybe she can ask my mom how she deals with losing Virgil for two to three hours every night to Marty Brenaman and the starting nine of our beloved Cincinnati Reds for the duration of spring, summer, and , if the baseball gods smile down upon us, into autumn.

Spring always fills us baseball fans with that youthful optimism that our team, no matter how bad they have been or really are, this is their year. Virgil and I are no different. I can't tell you how many phone calls dad and I have had these past few weeks talking about the Reds chances and how finally the new owners went out this off season and spent money on what really matters in baseball, pitching. How the Reds have been slowly building their farm system with depth and talent that looks like this year with Jay Bruce, Homer Bailey, and Jonny Cueto will finally pay some dividends in the standings. The Reds also ate some contracts of some players they knew would not help them win by releasing them. Than, to show how serious and commited they are to winning now they went out and hired a bonifide winning manager in Dusty Baker . Bringing hope to many in Reds country that this really could be their year.

But I think the Reds have another ace in the hole this year. You see the baseball gods will have to help the Reds because long time Reds announcer and player Joe Nuxhall will be there bugging them. The Ol' Lefthander passed on this off season to that big diamond in the sky and will be sorely missed down here by everyone who is a Reds fan that listened to Marty and Joe on radio.

My first ever real memory was sitting on the front porch in early summer watching the corn grow with my dad and listening on dads old beat up cystal radio the Big Red Machine. And I just remember how excited Joe got when a Red, I don't even remember which player, hit a home one. As Marty was telling you what was transpiring you could hear Joe in the background going nut's yelling " GET OUT OF HERE, GET OUT OF HERE!!" And you felt you were there with. From that moment on I was a Reds fan. Thanks Joe, I'll be thinking of you everytime Ken Griffey Jr. goes deep.

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