Airplanes, Common Sense and Baby Poo

Hi all, how's everybody doing? I hope everyone's staying manly with Mansoap!

Today, I thought I'd share a few of the hazards of my job. You see, I work for an airline that, for the purpose of this blog entry, will remain nameless. Over the years, I've realized that you people tend to leave their brains at home when they fly. I know flying is kinda stressful and all(I mean, people aren't meant to be stuffed into a metal tube and flown at 500 mile an hour at 30,000 feet), but I sure wish that folks would just bring a little common sense with them.

I work nights as a fleet service employee (that's fancy talk for I'm the guy that loses your bag!). Night shift crew duties include cleaning the planes that come in and remain over night.

Now, you would not believe what you find when you clean a plane because, for whatever reason, people believe that the little pocket in the back of the seat is also meant to discard candy wrappers, soda bottles, food, and assorted garbage. Well, although annoying, I can live with that...but the other night something just bothered me and I feel you need to hear about this because it's just unbelievable!

I was going along minding my own business, cheerfully cleaning and whistling the latest Fergie song...when I reached into a the seat pocket and pulled out a dirty diaper. Yes... a disgusting, filthy, dirty diaper. When I pulled it out. the plane smelled instantly of baby poo and my coworkers began to gag along with me.

What kind of idiot thought that the back seat pocket was a smart place to put their child's used diaper? I know you can't control a baby's bowel movements, but a little common sense could of come into play here.

I mean, above your head... at every single a button, that when pushed, calls a profesional and highly capable flight attendant that will come to your side and ask "Can I help you?"

At that moment you can say that your baby has done--what babies have done for thousands of years--and ask for help. He or she would walk the short distance to the front, gather a plastic bag, come back and place the soiled diaper in that bag. Then... (this IS rocket science) the inflight crew could discard it upon the flight's arrival, and no one would have to stumble upon a disgusting package of poo.

Luckly for me, I have a bar of Virgil's Mansoap with me at work so I could clean my hands immediatly. Mansoap's all natural anti-bacterial soap killed the baby poo germs in a very manly way and also overcome the mighty pungent baby poo smell Thanks pa!

Well, thanks for listening. Until next time...stay manly brother!!

1 comment:

Stasonis said...

I feel your poo pain. I used to work for the airlines, and being as that in the past tense I feel no loyalty towards my former employer. I was cleaning a spirit airlines plane one night and first stumbled across a pair of dentures placed neatly in the middle of the seat. Gross enough on it's own, but a few rows further back I found my own poo surprise, though this one was jammed tightly between two seats rather then placed in the seatback.